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About Ying Yang Twins

The Ying Yang Twins is an Atlanta-based American crunk rap duo consisting of Kaine (born Eric Jackson on December 16, 1978) and D-Roc (born De'Angelo Holmes on February 23, 1979). The group debuted in 2000 and rose to mainstream popularity in 2003 collaborating with Lil Jon in his single "Get Low". In 2004 and 2005, Ying Yang Twins became more popular with party singles "Salt Shaker", "What's Happnin", "Shake", and "Badd".

Are you a musician?

You might want to check out Ying Yang Twins bass tabs and play along!

Did you know?

You can make your own karaoke versions of songs with just a few clicks! Check out our tutorial on making your own karaoke versions of songs if you want to learn how!