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About Yardbirds

The Yardbirds are an English rock band that had a string of hits in the mid 1960s, including "For Your Love", "Over, Under, Sideways, Down" and "Heart Full of Soul". The group is notable for having started the careers of three of rock's most famous guitarists: Eric Clapton, Jeff Beck, and Jimmy Page, all of whom were in the top fifteen of Rolling Stone's 100 Top Guitarists list (Clapton as #4, Page as #9, and Beck as #14). A blues-based band that broadened its range into pop and rock, The Yardbirds were pioneers in the guitar innovation of the '60s: fuzz tone, feedback, distortion, backwards echo, improved amplification, etc. The band's disintegration led to the formation of the rock band Led Zeppelin, by Jimmy Page in 1968.

Are you a musician?

You might want to check out Yardbirds bass tabs and play along!

Did you know?

You can make your own karaoke versions of songs with just a few clicks! Check out our tutorial on making your own karaoke versions of songs if you want to learn how!