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About Tragically Hip

The Tragically Hip, often referred to simply as The Hip, is a Canadian rock band from Kingston, Ontario, consisting of Gordon Downie (lead vocals and guitar), Paul Langlois (guitar), Rob Baker (guitar), Gord Sinclair (bass) and Johnny Fay (drums). Davis Manning previously played Alto Saxophone with the band before leaving in 1986. Since their formation in 1983 they have released 12 studio albums, 2 live albums, and 46 singles. They have received numerous Canadian Music awards, including 14 Juno Awards.

Are you a musician?

You might want to check out Tragically Hip bass tabs and play along!

Did you know?

You can make your own karaoke versions of songs with just a few clicks! Check out our tutorial on making your own karaoke versions of songs if you want to learn how!