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About Stellar Kart

Stellar Kart is a Christian pop punk band from Phoenix, Arizona, USA . The band is signed to INO Records and released its first album in February 2005. Some of the singles from their debut album, All Gas. No Brake - including "Finish Last" and "Life Is Good" - have been played on Christian radio stations such as Air 1. Their album, We Can't Stand Sitting Down was released on July 25, 2006. The album's first single "Me and Jesus" hit #1 for 7 weeks on the Hot Christian Songs chart and won the 2007 Dove Award for "Rock/Contemporary Recorded Song".

Are you a musician?

You might want to check out Stellar Kart bass tabs and play along!

Did you know?

You can make your own karaoke versions of songs with just a few clicks! Check out our tutorial on making your own karaoke versions of songs if you want to learn how!