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Electric Six lyrics - 100 song lyrics

About Electric Six

Electric Six is a six-piece metro Detroit-based band that plays what has been described as a brand of rock music infused with elements of "garage, disco, punk, new wave, and metal." The band met recognition in 2003 with the single "Danger! High Voltage", and subsequently recorded six full-length albums: Fire, SeƱor Smoke, Switzerland, I Shall Exterminate Everything Around Me That Restricts Me from Being the Master, Flashy and KILL. They have also released a rarities album, Sexy Trash.

Are you a musician?

You might want to check out Electric Six bass tabs and play along!

Did you know?

You can make your own karaoke versions of songs with just a few clicks! Check out our tutorial on making your own karaoke versions of songs if you want to learn how!